

Grab a Bag Keto's Tips and Tricks

Two weeks ago, I decided to take a break from eating keto. Why you may ask. To be honest I’m not sure. I guess I’m human and I wanted naughty food and busy life took over.  I feel awful. I feel bloated and disgusting. My sleep has been terrible, and my motivation has all but gone.  This has had a follow-on effect. Things are not getting done. I just can’t get motivated and can’t be bothered. 

All that has changed today.  I’m back on the keto track and can feel changes already. I have spent the day getting organized.  Over the next few weeks, I will be adding tips and tricks to our social media pages and on our blog.  I will be heading back to the basics of keto and reminding myself and you guys of the reasons why I love keto and why it works.

I’m getting rid of all that self-doubt. Two weeks off keto does not define how I want to be.  To KFC – I am done with you. Your boneless chicken shall not pass my lips. It’s fitting that this photo is of me saying bye at KFC!

Fast keto low-carb weightloss

Grab a Bag Keto's Tip #1

I am a big fan of menu planning, taking the guesswork out of choosing what’s for dinner.
Saving you time, and money and reducing your food waste. It is a huge help when trying to plan and feed not only yourself but your Whanau. Set aside some time each week to make your menu/meal plan.

Keto low-carb advice

Grab a Bag Keto's Tip #2

I have a huge, sweet tooth. To be honest I love savoury food too. Scratch that. I love food!
Most days I indulge in a sweet keto-friendly treat. It has helped me keep on track with living keto and stops me from feeling that I’m depriving myself. The last few days have been tough after getting back into keto. Allowing myself a sweet treat every now and then has kept me motivated. Make it a normal part of living keto – as long as it fits your macros and your carb count remains low. After all, chocolate is happiness!

Keto low-carb advice

Grab a Bag Keto's Tip #3

When I started keto, I ate and made separate meals for my Whanau. Well, not anymore! Who wants to make two meals every night. I enjoy cooking so it’s no biggie for me to cook for my Whanau. At least this way I get to choose what we eat! When planning the meals for the week, including meals that the entire Whanau can enjoy and that can easily be adapted for non-keto lovers. Doing this can save you both time and money as you do not have to make and buy two different meals. Not to mention cleaning up the mess of two meals! We have lots of recipes on our site/blog that are family-friendly.

Keto Low-carb advice

Grab a Bag Keto's Tip #4 

Forget everything that you have previously been taught about eating fat. The Keto diet includes fats. We need fat to kick-start our body into ketosis. In the absence of Carbohydrates or glucose, the body will use fat as its energy source and melt away that fat! Choose full-fat dairy products. Often the lower fat options are packed with sugar to substitute the lost flavour. Butter, olive oil and coconut oil are the preferred keto options. When your body is in ketosis you will burn fat, stay full and satisfied for longer and have more energy.

Keto Low-carb advice

Grab a Bag Keto's Tip #5

Everyone needs A Can't Be F@*ked meal in their Keto Kete. This is a meal for when you have had a hard day. You can't be bothered cooking and you're not sure what you feel like. My go-to is sausages and eggs or bacon and eggs. It's quick and easy and never disappoints. You will thank me later. It saves you time, money and sanity by removing the risk of getting takeaways or snacking on non-keto foods.

Keto Low-carb advice


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